* "Each one of Brett's books is painstakingly researched, very well-written and extremely polished. * "This book has a great collection of game-related stories that really take me back to the '90s, when I had so much fun playing the heck out of the Super Nintendo." - Steve Woita, game designer/programmer of Atari 2600 Taz, Garfield, Asterix and Quadrun. * "I read the whole thing and loved it! My favorite chapters were the more intimate ones, where the contributing writers talked about how the games affected them from a personal standpoint.I kept turning the pages looking to connect with the writers, and it happened a lot.The quotes and factoids are great.Grammatically, it's spotless.There's a plethora of balance, knowledge, and fun here.This is the best book Weiss has written so far." - Patrick Hickey, Jr., author of The Minds Behind the Games: Interviews With Cult and Classic Video Game Developers * "This book is not only a reference volume, but it keeps alive the spirit of Nintendo's legacy." - Walter Day, industry icon and founder of Twin Galaxies.

Here are some advance reviews of the book: